Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Leaving Our Mark

Since we worked on our designs yesterday, today was the day to paint the benches on the playground! We started by journaling about habitats, plants, and why community service is important. Painting pretty designs on the benches is our community service today.

Before we could start painting, we needed to get our gardening done. Once that was complete, we made our way to the back of the school to the two benches we planned to paint. Here is a video that shows what we did.

It took awhile to get cleaned up from the painting, after which we ate lunch, played, and read silently. We always take time after reading to write in our reading journals so we can look back and see what we learned from our reading time. Sometimes it is fun to go back and read what we wrote too. We sure have learned a lot this summer!

We had a lesson in the afternoon about habitat destruction. All living creatures need habitat and when we disturb that for wild animals it can have unintended consequences. This lesson made us think about the book we have been reading out loud since that is what is happening in that story. (The book is Hoot by Carl Hiaasen.)

Check back tomorrow to see what adventure we have in Garden Camp!

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